Optional Football Training - all players

4 Mar by Richard Butler

SACS has been able to secure the Swans Academy field in the Hall of Industries on two mornings a week. The field is a 60m x 30m indoor synthetic pitch within the Royal Hall of Industries Building on Driver Ave at Moore Park. We will use this to provide optional morning training sessions for our footballers.

Throughout the season we will have:
On Wednesday mornings a training session for senior players. This session (which started last week) is currently focused on 1st XI triallists but all year 10 and up players are welcome to attend.
On Thursday mornings a skills development training session is available to all players.

Player Arrival: 6:15am (players will be required to sign a SACS roll)
Start Time: 6:25am
Finish Time: 7:25am (clear the field 7:30am)
Uniform: SACS football or sports uniform

*This training is not compulsory. It is also understood that while this is a great opportunity, it will not be convenient for many to attend training at this time and location.

Players will have plenty of time following the training session to catch the light rail back to the school from the Moore Park light rail station. Showers are not available at the venue so students will need to shower at SACS.

- Attached is a site map for the Swans facility. Entry is through Door 1. This door may be secured at 7:25. Players will need to wait at the door until let in if they arrive after it is locked.
- Water bottles and food are not allowed on the field itself.